Antoine [de] Mornable
(b c. 1515; fl 1530–53). French composer, who was active in Paris. He served as a chorister at the Ste Chapelle, and got his education there. His first works were printed by Pierre Attaingnant in 1534; the same publisher issued a volume of 25 Latin motets and a book of 17 French psalms in 1546. Both volumes refer to the composer as ‘de Mornable’, but this form is not found in subsequent anthologies. The book of psalms specifies that he was maître de chapelle and valet to Count Guy XVII of Laval, who was a Protestant sympathizer.
Full title (see image): Livre second contenatn xvii pseaulmes de David traduictz de Latin en Francois, par Clement Marot... The reference translated from the Latin is false, but perhaps this was on purpose: removing even the slightest hunch of heresy.

Mornable & Pierre Certon
In the past there was some confusion about his book with Psalm compositions, based on the fact that the publication from 1546 (carrying Mornable's name and containing 17 psalms) bore the title Second Book of Psalms. A similar title but called First book of Psalms (1545/6) also existed, but carried the name of another famous composer: Pierre Certon. These two books appear to have been a kind of duo-publication by two well-known court composers, Certon contributing 31 Psalms (first book), and Mornable 17 (second book).