[based on: H. Slenk, the Huguenot Psalter in the Low Countries]
Flemish (French) composer, flourished mid. 16th century (died after 1561)
Hardly anything is known about Cauléry. In 1548 he is mentioned on the payroll of Mary of Hungary's chapel. Other chapel members were
Benedictus Appenzeller ("Maistre des enfants de choeur" and Claeis Loys, brother to the singer Jan Loys. The next thing we know: In 1556 he was chapelmaster to Catherine de Medici (French Queen) who was then residing in Brussels. The evidence of this employment is the title page of the
Second Jardin musical, published in 1556 by
Waelrant and Laet, where he is called "Maistre Jean Caulery, Maistre de la Chapelle de la Royne de France."
Altbough other composers are represented in the second
Jardin musical, Cauléry himself wrote the dedication, addressing it to his cousin, Michel de Francqueville, Abbot of St. Aubert in Cambrai. Cauléry contributed ten compositions, four of which are on sacred texts by Marot (Ps. 13, the Lord's Prayer, the
Angelic Greeting and the
Canticle of Simeon), and four on texts by Eustorg de Beaulieu, another Huguenot poet. The remaining two compositions are also settings of religious poems. Below the titlepage (click to enlarge) and the incipits.